The Mid-terms are coming! The Mid-terms are coming!
September 26, 2022
The mid-term elections across the United States are only six weeks away. Since Trumpism is now a part of US politics this is no longer just a throw away date on the calendar. There is too much at stake!!! It is time to end the fascist attack on our democracy once and for all. Can the numbers shift the national conversation to the "Sea of Blue" I have been waiting to see since 2018. It could happen, right?
Roll back the clock to 2016... An election cycle like none other in US History. It changed everything - - Trump won! All of sudden complacency allowed a 7-time bankrupt businessman to take control of the White House. It was a change to the political landscape that will forever be the rallying point for me. Right there, my politics will no longer be taken advantage of. My vote going forward will always be BLUE! And, it has held true for a lot of other Independents since then. There is no longer going to be a centrist movement in this country. Compromise is no longer an option.
Since, then the Democrats started showing up at the polls in record numbers. In 2018, control...
Posted at: 09:24 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
The Mid-terms are coming! The Mid-terms are coming!
September 26, 2022
The mid-term elections across the United States are only six weeks away. Since Trumpism is now a part of US politics this is no longer just a throw away date on the calendar. There is too much at stake!!! It is time to end the fascist attack on our democracy once and for all. Can the numbers shift the national conversation to the "Sea of Blue" I have been waiting to see since 2018. It could happen, right?
Roll back the clock to 2016... An election cycle like none other in US History. It changed everything - - Trump won! All of sudden complacency allowed a 7-time bankrupt businessman to take control of the White House. It was a change to the political landscape that will forever be the rallying point for me. Right there, my politics will no longer be taken advantage of. My vote going forward will always be BLUE! And, it has held true for a lot of other Independents since then. There is no longer going to be a centrist movement in this country. Compromise is no longer an option.
Since, then the Democrats started showing up at the polls in record numbers. In 2018, control...
Posted at: 09:24 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Another Two Cents
April 22, 2022
This post is related to a recent article I just read, "After Babel - Why the past 10 years of American Life have become Uniquely Stupid"
What I gained from the article is; 8% on the far-far-right, plus the 11% on the far-far-left, are really fucking things up for everybody in the middle.
There are 3 things the article says we need to fix:
1. Harden Democratic Institutions
2. Reform Social Media
3. Prepare the Next Generation
And, yes I think everyone of these is possible. This article goes pretty hard at BOTH SIDES of the fringe elements making up our current political spectrum. But, what are the actions we can take?
I would like to take a step up on my soapbox, Generation X - has surpassed any expectations I have had of the current generational cultural war*** by just staying "out of it." We do however need to get off the sidelines in the next decade if we want to stop the "Ivory Tower" from continuing its collapse.
Hardening Democratic Institutions - means first removing ALL the partisan labels (RED/BLUE). Additional recommendations; open primaries, ranked voting, third party regulators, and fixing gerrymandering laws. All of these would take...
#afterbabel, #soapbox
Posted at: 10:29 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Day 44 of the WAR
April 5, 2022
I have 10 minutes to type something up real fast, because 10 million people have now left their homes in Ukraine. 4 million have fled the country all together, and an estimated 6.5 million have relocated from within the country.
The images this week from Ukraine are also getting more atrocious. Bodies in the City of Bucha, just northwest of the capital of Kyiv, show signs of systematic executions of all male residents under the age of 50. There are images on TV, that carry a warning before all news footage. Ukraine is going to take decades to recover from what is happening.
And, the weapons are pouring in from the west. Javelin missiles, and tons of ammunition are being sent. The Russians are currently regrouping in Belarus and provinces in the East. Yet, quite simply there will be no easy end to this conflict.
I am afriad the consequences of the last six weeks are going to lead to more conflicts than solutions. Russia will be made to pay.
Posted at: 12:17 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
12 Days of WAR
March 8, 2022
The world is witnessing the invasion of Ukraine. A chain of events reflects a sovereign nation trying to fight an invading force that has already destroyed several cities. 1.5 million people are fleeing a war torn country to unknown lands in search of safety. As stated in my initial post this is not getting any easier to watch. The death toll continues to rise and all public media outlets reporting out of Russia have been shut off.
We will no longer see any independent sources of information coming out of Russia. Today, all exports of Russian oil will also be shut off. The ruble has been essentially made worthless, and sanctions have been implemented that put an entire country on notice. 500 additional US Troops are being sent to Europe to defend the Western Front, and the leader of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky is still begging for a, "NO FLY ZONE."
I left Facebook, because it is not worth the hassle of being reported as an independent source under the guise of another "social media" outlet. These are my theories of the current events happening, and it will be my un-verified sources that will be published -as often as I see...
Posted at: 12:08 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
March 3, 2022
I think I am pretty spoiled in my own perspectives of an insta-war mentality. I did just google Desert Shield, and thirty years ago it took 5-months before Gen. Schwarzkopf swung the “big stick” at Iraq with a giant thwap! That war was also under the guise of a global coalition. Which is most certainly going on here, too.
No one saw the atrocities in Kuwait as they happened, like we are witnessing in Ukraine. Population numbers back then reflect from 1990 to 1995 – 25% of the people left Kuwait.
So, now there are 40 million Ukrainians – if the same thing happens again; 10 million people could be leaving?!?!
Also, most of the world’s whackos – have just stayed in their own backyards, like North Korea, Iran, and China. I think the last time a leader decided to be a bully to their neighbors was Saddam. Before, that you could say probably, Hitler.
Do we need to get rid of Putin, too?
Final thought: Where are the drones?
Posted at: 12:04 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Mind Blown
April 22, 2021
Spiritually speaking, the Universe is way too big. If I wanted to answer why I am here, quite simply - "I am just trying to make the trip enjoyable for all of us." Like I said, yesterday, I am greatful. The threads holding my brain inside of my skull are held together at the molecular level, and it has been a long time since I have lost, "All my marbles." Yet, sometimes it feels I could lose them at any second. Sometimes, I forget how easily I can just let it all go. In my years of experience at life, I have picked up several coping skills.
Coping, is that what I should call it? Probably, more apt just to say just living a normal life. And, for so many years just fighting against the norms was my goal. If people ask me, what I want - I stutter at the thought. I am currently enjoying the pursuit of timed events. It is so amazing how we can predict and see these things happen all around us.
In a few weeks one such event is about to occur, June 10, 2021.
Posted at: 10:36 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Too Old for This Shit
April 21, 2021
48? Wow, time flies when you are having fun. I think I need to take an hour and explain myself (to myself) once again.
First let's look at where I came from. Oldest child with three younger sisters, but we were all close in age - so, it is safe to say we are all now adults. I grew up in Reading, PA. In 2011, it was ranked the "Poorest City in America." Back in the 80's, my hometown was typical Blue Collar, strong union workforce, and very diverse. Later in life I would learn just how diverse the city was. It was a nice place to grow up. Especially, for a white kid named Apollo. My biggest influence was probably my father - still living and still married to my mother, They are still living happily ever after in Kentucky.
Back to me, things really started to change for me once I reached High School. From my sophomore to juinior year, about the age of 16, I was fortunate enough to have a car. My world got a lot bigger. I went to the Soviet Union for a school field trip in 1989, and headed of to Penn...
Posted at: 11:00 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Superbowl LV - nope don't care.
February 7, 2021
Roxanne and I watched, Irresistible by Jon Stewart, last night. Although, the message is clearly "there is no winner in American politics."
Irresistible Trailer

The movie simply glosses over the fact that the Wealth Gap in this country is the real problem. Every political office, in any given juristiction is just a purchase by the powers to be. Morals, beliefs, and especially honesty have wrecked our country. Even the spoiler for the film is this is ONE BIG LIE, and nobody is ever going to win. Sorry, for the spoiler - but I don't think the pandemic gave this movie much of a chance at commercial success.
But, let me be 100% honest...
I gave maybe $10 to Bernie Sanders last February. And, I think under the guise of maybe $5 to Tulsi Gabbard. AND That's it, nothing else. The little guys like you and me are not "supposed" to donate to political funds. We should be sending our money to Food Banks and School Fundraisers. Politics is just a fucking game to the rich. All that money wasted on RED HATS and stupid flags, meant nothing. And more importantly, FAILED EPICALLY!!!
My #FTrump bumper stickers (Only cost $33 at Stickermule), and every Anti-trump posts...
Posted at: 01:04 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
100 Days until The General Election 2020
July 26, 2020
#Fridge2020 - is a real thing. Our two party political sytem is so far off the rails it allowed Fascism to flourish. What can we do to fix it?
Realize there are good people working on fixing sh*t. Some of these people don't get a lot of news headlines or TMZ clips. These people will not go viral on TikTok or Instagram. Facebook is not going to promote their agenda for FREE, and most importantly if you want change - YOU need to put in the work! Like you did by clicking one extra link to see this post. Maybe, go back to Facebook, and share my LINK too.
Why?!?! Well on July 8, 2020.... 110 pages were released by The Joe Biden Campaign. The Biden-Sanders Unity Task Foces addressed six VERY progressive proposals found here.
The Issues (Pages 1-41)
Their Proposals (Pages 42 - 110)
Climate Change
Criminal Justice
Economic Equality
But, none of these issues need to be addressed in the general election. 2016 proved OUR elections have already been compromised. I am prepared to see campaigns that are loaded with Fake Ads, tons of mud slinging, and foreign government interference. In 2016, there...
#fridge2020, #ftrump, #justquit
Posted at: 09:52 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink